Two years ago, Indie Boards and Cards Cards released the exciting handbuilding game Grifters. This year we are excited to expand the Grifters universe with new specialists to complete capers and perform jobs!
A small update on what has happened…
So I just realized that we didn’t make a post about what happened and why the Kickstarter ended prematurely here on the blog! Wow, that was an oversight and I’m sorry. We have been really busy since August working on the game and moving and day jobs and you know how it goes. I’m sorry to leave you hanging.
If you checked out our Kickstarter Page for You Dirty Rat you saw the news. You Dirty Rat got picked up by a publisher when we were at Gen Con. We are working with the publisher to revamp the art and add an optional variant to the game. We have been working hard and it is looking AWESOME so far.
We will be giving you more information when we can. Right now we are not able to give all the particulars. Just wanted to be sure to post an update on the blog.